The Correlation of Knowledge of Dental Health with Prevalence of Free Permanent First Molar Dental Caries in Islamic Boarding School
Lutfi Rahmah Aliyah, Aulia Ramadhani
Background: Children aged between 6-12 years or school-age children are groups who are susceptible to oral diseases, especially caries, permanent first molar because they still have self-defeating habits in oral health. In addition, this erupted tooth does not replace any primary teeth and is located behind.
Purpose: The knowledge of the correlation between students’ knowledge of cariogenic food and the low prevalence of free caries for permanent first molars in students of Secondary School of DARUL HIKMAH Al Hidayah Islamic Boarding School in Surabaya.
Method: Type the research conducted was sectional analytic research. The sampling technique in this study was simple random sampling. Based on the simple random sampling technique, the target of this study was 102 students aged 12 years. Data collection method used observation. Data analysis techniques used the Pearson test. Results: there was a correlation between students’ knowledge of cariogenic food and the low prevalence of the number of caries-free in permanent first molars in students of Secondary School of DARUL HIKMAH Al Hidayah Islamic Boarding School in Surabaya. Conclusion: The prevalence of caries-free number of permanent first molars in Secondary School of DARUL HIKMAH Al Hidayah Islamic Boarding School Surabaya in the low category.