The Effectiveness of Aerobic Training (Walking) on the Functional Capacity of Heart Failure (HF) Patients: A Systematic Review


Siti Nurjannah39632, Yuliana Syam39633, Saldy Yusuf39634, Aulia Insani Latif39638, Safruddin Yahya39639*, Asri39640 and Muriyati39641

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Aerobic Training (AT) (walking) in increasing the functional capacity of HF patients. This study is a systematic review collected from 5 databases, namely PubMed, scienceDirect, Scopus, Wiley and proQuest. Articles meet the criteria for English language, publication of the last 10 years (2011-2020), and interventions focused on Aerobic Training (walking) in HF patients. A total of 7 articles met the criteria for Heart Failure patients, especially those with ejection fraction <40% and the New York Heart Association class II and III. Aerobic exercise intervention (walking) resulted in an increase in peak VO2 (mean differences: 1.7 ml/ kg/min, 3.7 ml/kg/min, 2 ml/kg/min, and 1.1 ml/kg/ min). In the 6-Minute walk there is an increase in the distance (average difference: 46.4 m, 98.3 m, 9 m, and 53.27 m). Duke Activity Status Index assessment, there is a significant change in p value 0.981. Also, in the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure questionnaire there was a clinical improvement (mean difference: 22.6 points, 19.7 points, and 2 points). The implementation of aerobic exercise (walking) with duration of 30-60 minutes for 3 times a week with low to moderate intensity training has been proven effective in increasing peak VO2, 6 minute walks, Duke Activity Status Index, and improving quality of life in Heart Failure patients.

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