The Evaluation of the Rice Crop Land of Gogo Using Automated Land Evaluation System (ALES) in the City of Samarinda Town Pampang Cultural Village East Kalimantan
Mardiany, Zaenal Kusuma, Lukman Hakim, Mochtar Lutfi Rayes.
Land evaluation using computer program Auto med Land Evaluation System (ALES) (Rossiter and Van Wambeke, 1989).The ALES Program can display a decision tree about the relationship between land and land use (Rayes, 2007). This Model was applied to evaluate the potential land use in the cultural village of Pampang.. The results are then used to recommend land use that is suitable for upland rice plants. The results of the study showed that the dominance of land suitability classes in Gogo Rice was S2. The most dominant barriers are available nutrients (na) and tc (temperature). Recommendations based on evaluation results are not always in line with and adapt to the character of the Dayak Kenyah tribes who still apply the “shifting cultivation” system.The evaluation results will be used to recommend the distribution of potential land for Gogo Rice in the Kelurahan Budaya Pampang, Kota Samarinda.