The Role of SMER28 in Increasing the Life of BMSCs after Exposure to Oxidative Stress Induced by Hydrogen Peroxide


Shamim Mollazadehghomi40797*, Shahram Darabi40798 and Shabnam Mollazadehghomi40799

Background: Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells (BMSCs) have long been of therapeutic importance in tissue engineering and restorative medicine. Recently, introducing the autophagy inducer SMER28 (Small-Molecule Enhancers of Rapamycin) as a molecule for increasing BMSCs viability has received special attention. We aimed to determine the role of SMER28 in increasing the life of BMSCs after exposure to oxidative stress induced by hydrogen peroxide.

Methods: Five female and adult Wistar field samples prepared to extract BMSCs specimens. To prove the mesenchymal origin of BMSCs in the third passage, the expression of CD31 (Cluster of Differentiation 31), CD34, and CD106 were evaluated as the immunocytochemical markers. Trypan blue staining was performed on cells to evaluate the toxicity of H2O2 and the protective effect of SMER28.

Results: Pretreatment with SMER28 at a dose of 5 μM increased cell viability. In this regard, cell survival in medium containing SMER28 (5 μM) and H2O2 at concentrations of 50, 100, 200, 400 μM were 94%, 86%, 78%, and 43%, respectively. Compared between cells exposed to H2O2 with and without SMER28, SMER28 significantly increased cell viability and decreased cell death due to H2O2.

Conclusion: Pretreatment with SMER28 at a dose of 5 μM increases BMSCs survival.

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