Neha Saxena40095, Robert James40096, Nagisetti Phanindra Kumar40097 and B Rajsekhar40098*
Objective: Renal Biopsy is necessary in the assessment of renal diseases as it provides the histopathological diagnosis in the field of nephrology. Pattern varies with demography. Our study is done in one of the tertiary care centers in North India.
Materials and methods: Patients who underwent renal biopsy during the period from September 2019 to December 2020 were retrospectively reviewed. All biopsy specimens were examined by the same pathologist with light and immunofluorescence microscopy. Electron microscopic analysis was performed only in selected cases.
Results: Out of 116 patients, 48 are male and 68 are females. Primary glomerular diseases were the most common diagnosis. The overall most common indication for renal biopsy was Nephrotic Syndrome (45%) followed by Acute Kidney Injury (25%). The most common pathology was Infection Related Glomerulonephritis (18.10%) and least was immune complex mediated Glomerulonephritis (0.86%).
Conclusion: Our study gives an insight into the epidemiology of the renal disease in North India. Our study corresponds to the distribution pattern described in other North Indian states.