The Use of Hypnoteaching Techniques in Improving the Skills of Writing Scientific Articles of the Third Grade Office Administration Students at Giri Taruna Vocational High School Bogor
Nini Ibrahim
The purpose of the study is to see an improvement in the skills of the third-grade office administration students at Giri Taruna Vocational High School Bogor in writing scientific articles by using hypnoteaching techniques. The method used in the research is quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative analysis is used for data obtained from written test results of scientific articles, both before and after hypnoteaching techniques applied to students. Meanwhile, quantitative data analysis is used for data from field observations, field notes, questionnaires, and interviews. The results show that there is a positive impact on learning by using Hypnoteaching techniques, especially to improve scientific article writing skills. The learning process is more active, innovative, energetic, meaningful, and fun. Before the Hypnoteaching method was carried out, the average grade in writing scientific articles was 56.66. In cycle 1, the average score of the students was 62.70, which did not meet the Minimum Mastery Criteria (MMC) of 75.00. In cycle 2, the students had reached an average score of 76.26, which indicated that they had reached MMC. The study concludes that learning using Hypnoteaching techniques can improve students' scientific article writing skills. Hypnoteaching technique is a useful innovation for teachers in learning Indonesian, especially in writing scientific articles.