Nelvitia Purba, Sri Sulistyawaty, Yulia Arfanti.
Transparency Indonesia released Corruption Perception Index (CPI) in 2018 Indonesia in position 89 out of 180 countries, for the Asian region of Indonesia ranked 4th, ranked 3rd was Malaysia, ranked 2nd was Malaysia and rank -1 is Singapore. With this it is necessary to be more intensive in tackling corruption crimes in Indonesia. Related to the prevention of corruption in Educational Institutions, namely in Higher Education Institutions with Anti-Corruption Education starting in 2019, Entering the General Basic Course or entering the Ethics Course, this is a form of com-mitment for the Implementation of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education who signed the Col-laborative Agreement Against Cooperation And eradicating Corruption with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). The purpose of this research is to apply these anti-corruption values in daily life. Student involvement in ef-forts to eradicate Corruption certainly is not in enforcement efforts, because this is the authority of law enforcement officers. Students' active role is focused on efforts to prevent corruption by helping to build an anti-corruption culture in the community. This study uses a Research Method (R&D).In this case, the research conducted only resulted in the Design of Anti-Corruption Education Learning Model De-sign Products Based on Film Analysis, and the design was validated internally (expert opinion). From the results of this study it can be stated that: (a) Film Analysis Model Design Learning Based on Anti-Corruption Education is an effort to better understand Anti-Corruption Education; (b) To foster student interest in more enthusiasm in Learning Anti-Corruption Education because it uses a fun Learning Model; (c) Increase the ability of students to analyze theo-ries of corruption crimes by applying to crimes that occur in the community through the media Learning Model with film screenings; and (d) To sharpen the ability of students in analyzing existing cases relating to corruption, so that it becomes a fortress for them to become reliable human beings not to Corruption.