2021: Volume 12, Issue 11
Research Article
Prevalence of Narcolepsy in Patients with H63D Syndrome
Anastasios Papadopoulos27364, Riku Honda27365, David Seideman27366 and Alexandros Balaskas27367*
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3651 - 3653
Research Article
Putu Dyana Christasani41722, Yosef Wijoyo41723, Titien Siwi Hartayu41724 and Aris Widayati41725*
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3574 - 3578
Review Article
Medication Error and an Effort to Reduce the Incident: A Scoping Review
Rr.Tutik Sri Hariyati26387*, Ratanto Ratanto26388 and Christina Anugrahini26389
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3579 - 3583
Review Article
Prospectives of Helicobacter pylori
S Manodhini Elakkiya26394*, R Sambath Kumar26395 and N Venkateswaramurthy26396
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3584 - 3589
Research Article
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Problem-Based Learning Method and the Role of the Tutor in this Process: Practical Recommendations
Khamchiyev Kureysh M26486*, Shandaulov A Kh26487, Askarova NB26488, Maul YY26489, Gabdullina GS26490, Muhtar NE26491 and Sabit AE26492
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3590 - 3594
Review Article
A Review on Role of Essential Oil as Penetration Enhancer in Transdermal Drug Delivery System
Ataul Hasan26385 and Heena Farooqui26386*
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3595 - 3600
Review Article
A Review: Analytical Method Development and Validation
Ramole Rina26390, Mohini Baile26391* and Ashish Jain26392
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3601 - 3605
Research Article
Under-Five Pneumonia Patients in Menz Geramidr Mehalmeda Hospital North Shewa, Ethiopia:Bayesian Parametric Survival Model
FekadeGetabile*, AdimiasWendimagegn
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3606 - 3614
Review Article
Thamarai Chandrasekharan41726*, M Prem Blaisie Rajula41727, PL Ravi Shankar41728 and Rajarajeswari41729
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3615 - 3621
Research Article
Review Article
A Brief Review on Mucormycosis (Black Fungus Infection)
Vibhavari M Chatur27344*, Sanjay G Walode27345, Mithun Rudrapal27346, Sanjog Gandhi27347, Srushti Doshi27348 and Shrawani Gandhi27349
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3633 - 3638
Research Article
Research Article
The Effect of 5-Hydroxy-3'-Methoxy-7, 4'-Diacetyl on Aortic Smooth Muscle under Hypoxic Conditions
Mirzayeva Yulduzkhon Takhirzhonovna27355, Omonturdiev Sirojiddin Zoirovich27357*, Zaripov Abdisalim Abdikarimovich27358, Usmanov Pulat Bekmuratovich27359, Esimbetov Adilbay Tlepovich27360 and Eshbakova Komila Alibekovna27361
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3647 - 3650
Mini Review Article
Advancement in Extraction/Microextraction Methods using Novel Nano-sorbents
SS Gaikwad24080*, GR Jadhav24081, VB Gaikwad24082, RR Jain24083 and PS Pawar24084
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3571 - 3573
Review Article
Celenkosini Thembelenkosini Nxumalo41751, Ebenezer Wiafe41752* and Varsha Bangalee41753
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3654 - 3656
Review Article
A Systematic Review of the Psychiatric-Adverse Effects associated with the Administration of Vilazodone
Humraaz Kaja, Frasia Oosthuizen, Henry Michael, Kofi Boamah Mensah, Varsha Bangalee, Ebenezer Wiafe*
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3657 - 3665
Research Article
Sanchat Thanyanuch42984*, Chuchottaworn Charoen42985, Mahasirimongkol Surakameth42986 and Wattanapokayakit Sukanya42987
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3666 - 3670
Research Article
Method Development and Validation of Labetalol and Nadolol in Human Plasma by Lc-Ms/Ms
Pagidi Rajagopaludu*, Nimmakayala Saritha, Devanna N, Srinivas M
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3671 - 3677
Research Article
Chitosan/Fe Doped Hydroxyapatite Scaffold for Bone Tissue Regeneration
Maskanati M, Motiee F, Aghabozorgb H, Masoumeh Meskinfam*
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3678 - 3685
Research Article
Research Article
Effectiveness of Bacopa Herb for Solving Dementia in the Elderly
Wuttiphong Phakdeekul28431* and Warinmad Kedthongma28432
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3691 - 3696
Research Article
Review Article
A Brief Review on CAR-T Cell Therapy
Bodi Gayathri28455*, Sariki Ashok Krishnan28456 and Korimelli Sridevi28458
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3701 - 3703
Research Article
New UV Curable Acrylated Urethane-Oligoesters Derived from Poly (Ethylene Terephthalate) PET Waste
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3704 - 3708
Research Article
Dynamic of Intracellular Cytokine's Production in Patients with Recurrent Implantation Failure and Thin Endometrium in In Vitro Fertilization Program
Almagul Medeubayevna Kurmanova, Gaini Anartayeva*, Saltanat Baikoshkarova, Sonny Stetson, Gaukhar Medeubayevna Kurmanova, Nagima Mamedalieva, Kudaibergenov
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3622 - 3626
Review Article
Review Article
Ketamine Efficacy During Endoscopy in Adults
Ayesha Naseem, Amna Rashid, Aneeqa Aslam, Amna Bashir
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3434 - 3436
Research Article
IoT Based Handheld Smart Health Monitoring System for COVID-19
Bennet Praba, Anuj Kakar*, Anushri Sharma
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3437 - 3440
Review Article
Juxstaposition of Obstetric and Demographic Outcomes: Relationship of Aging upon Primiparous Females of Younger and Advanced Maternal Age
Rukhshanda Nosheen, Ayesha Bajwa, Sufyan Akram
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3441 - 3445
Research Article
Analysis of Level of Antioxidants and Oxidative Stress in Diabetic Patients
Fakhra Noureen, Abid Saeed Khan
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3446 - 3448
Research Article
Models of Digital Marketing and Consumers Behavior in Selecting COVID-19 Vaccines if Even in Indonesia
Zulki Zulkifli Noor
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3449 - 3454
Research Article
Melatonin Levels in Shift Nurses with ELISA and LCMS Methods, Jakarta, Indonesia
Yosephin Sri Sutanti, Muchtaruddin Mansyur, Nurhadi Ibrahim, Martina Wiwie S. Nasrun, Indah Suci Widyahening, Dewi Irawati, Yusra Yusra, Rimawati Tedjasukmana
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3455 - 3459
Neonatal Sepsis: The Frequency of Thrombocytopenia
Farrukh Addil22661, Ayesha Rehman22662, Shehzad Najeeb22663*, Hina Imtiaz22664 and Saira Khan22665
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3460 - 3462
Research Article
Iron Deficiency Anemia in Children with Febrile Seizures
Farrukh Addil, Ayesha Rehman, Shehzad Najeeb*, Hina Imtiaz, Saira Khan
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3463 - 3465
Research Article
A Sensitivity and Specificity Diagnosis of Pews is Used to Indicate the Necessity for Hospital Admission and to Predict Serious Disease Among Children
Ushna Javaid, Ammad Amjad, Maryam Mahmood, Farrukh Addil*, Sameer Ahmed
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3466 - 3469
Review Article
Inappropriate Antibiotic Prescribing in Different Departments of Gulf Region and Management Through Pharmacist-Led Antimicrobial Stewardship: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Rana Kamran Mahmood22647, Syed Wasif Gillani22648*, Maryam Jaber Mohamed Abdulla Alzaabi22649 and Shabaz Mohiuddin Gulam22650
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3470 - 3480
Case Report
Research Article
Optimum Composition of Developed Additive Based Insect Repellent Paint
Zeeshan Ahmada22651*, Faiza Hassanb22652, Sana Noorc22653, Munir Ahmadd22654 and Khalid Rashide22655
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3483 - 3486
Review Article
Over-medicalization: A Modern Problem Divisible from Medicalization
Iqra Aslam*, Tehreem Khalid, Ghufran Zafar
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3831 - 3833
Research Article
Comparative Study on Ginger Supplement and Aerobic Exercise on Primary Dysmenorrhea: The Case of Debre Markos University Students, Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia
Dagnanesh Kindie Kassa, Edosa Jabesa Tolasa*
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3494 - 3499
Research Article
Evaluating the Changes in Obesity and Adiposity Measurements, Comprising BMI Waist, Body Fat and Magnitude by Racial Background in Pakistan Amongst Adults
Aljasia Kalsoom22674*, Salal Ahmad22675, Asifa Zaib22676, Muhamd Ali Shahid22677, Masooma Ahmad22678 and Rukhsana Jabeen22679
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3500 - 3503
Research Article
History of Infection Outbreaks and Mental Health Issues: Awareness for Corona-virus Neuropsychiatric Coverage
Sana Rehman
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3504 - 3509
Objective of the Peads Network to Evaluate the Performance of Active Monitoring of Children Hospital Encephalitis
Maryam Mahmood, Ammad Amjad, Ushna Javaid, Farrukh Addil, Muhamd Ali Shahid
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3517 - 3520
Case Report
Primary Clear Cell of Abdominal Wall, A Case Report
JJ Zhai, RB Ying, CH Chen, HY Feng*
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3510 - 3516
Research Article
Review Article
Second Wave of COVID-19 in Brazil and India
Dhanashri Tumme24075*, Lata Potey24076, Vanashri Turkey24077, Mukta Selokar24078 and Suhas Sakarkar24079
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3546 - 3547
Research Article
Postpartum Depression Outcome of Perinatal Predictors: Retrospective Analysis of a Study
Ayaz Ahmed Baloch, Muhammad Asim Hameed, Muhammad Faisal Rashid, Amna Khurram, Ammad Javaid Chaudhary, Khadija Khalid
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3548 - 3552
Review Article
Characterization of Drug Delivery Particles in Pharmaceutical Disperse Systems: A Review
Ghazi ME Hussein24130*, Babiker M Elhaj24131 and Heyam Saad Ali24132
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3553 - 3562
Research Article
Concepts, Current Status, Approaches in Transdermal Drug Delivery System Technologies
Ghazi ME Hussein24101, Babiker M Elhaj24102 and Heyam Saad Ali24103*
SRP. 2021; 12(11): 3563 - 3570