Review - (2022) Volume 13, Issue 3

A Review on Coronary Artery Disease

Rushil Prajapati*, Pooja Patel and Umesh Upadhyay
*Correspondence: Rushil Prajapati, Department of Pharmacy, Sigma Institute of Pharmacy, Gujarat Technological University, Gujarat, India, Email:

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Heart disease is most common disease occurred in general population in these days according to the research work. Coronary Heart Disease is disease occurred in population as increase in the upcoming scenario due to junk food intake containing high consumption of highly lipid and bad cholesterol by the major percentage of the population. The main factors of the highly rising Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) are malnutrition, high salt intake, not having proper balance diet, consumption of alcohol, not exercising regularly, etc. The medical management’s ambition is to spread awareness to the public regarding CAD. The CAD various prevention are some as regularly exercising, yoga asana, eating healthy food. CAD is one of the most common reasons for death of people. For spreading knowledge and awareness regarding to CAD this article explores information of the CAD like different types of CAD, pathophysiology, prevention and treatment.


Heart disease, Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), Atherogenesis, Inflammation, Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL), High Density Lipoproteins (HDL), Atherogenesis plaque


Aim and objective

As heart disease is one of the most common reasons of death all over world. Among various heart diseases the Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is very dangerous disease that leads to the death. It causes death to 18.2 million in adults which is almost 6.7% of the total world population (Sheikh MS, et al., 2021). The combination of CAD with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) the total number of deaths are 3,20,000 or more than per year. CAD disease patients are suffering from it due to malnutrition, stress, obesity, not taking proper diet, and not perform exercise on the regular basis. The main aim of the medical trials is to develop a cure and prevention remedies for patient suffering from Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). Their main target is to less the disease effect and their symptoms (Sheikh MS, et al., 2021).

The Coronary Artery Disease has vast expansion and it deals with various other diseases that leads to various risk factors of body. This article explores the detailed study of Coronary Artery Disease pathophysiology, types, signs and symptoms, clinical prevention, treatment (Kayaert P, et al., 2021).

Heart is very important part of the body. The main function of heart is to stabilize the pressure of blood and purify the blood by passing it to lungs. The other function is to pass equal pressurized blood containing O2 to all body organs and bring CO2 from all over body organs. There are various heart diseases from which some major heart disease leads to death are listed as Heart failure, pericarditis, Coronary Artery Disease, cardiomyopathy, heart valve disease, arrhythmia, peripheral heart disease and aorta disease.

Among all these disease Coronary Artery Disease is one of the most dangerous disease as it cause slow death due to deposition of the cholesterol in the arteries of the heart. Due to deposition of the cholesterol the blood flow in arteries which effect on heart muscle (atherosclerosis) which build plaque in the arteries. Plaque consists of fatty substance, waste products, cholesterol calcium and clot making fibrin hormone. It is the one of the most common cardiovascular disease. This includes stable angina, unstable angina Myocardial Infarction and sudden cardiac arrest. There are various names which are atherosclerotic heart disease, atherosclerotic vascular disease, and Coronary Heart Disease. Due to modern lifestyle, lack of exercise and intake of junk food the risk of Coronary Artery Disease has been increase to very high level which includes 8/9 out of 10 people will suffer from Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) with combination of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). Coronary Artery Disease with combination of ESRD which lead to kidney dialysis and kidney transplantation in the world. In world number of patients suffering with ESRD and CAD is likely less than patients suffering with CKD and CAD (Kayaert P, et al., 2021).

As shown in Figure 1, due to storage or deposition of cholesterol molecules CAD risk factor increases. The coronary arteries are the arteries that supply continuous blood to heart for pumping action. The coronary arteries are directly located on top of heart muscle. Due to plaque heart does not get enough supply of O2 and minerals the state is called “Ischemia”. Due to ischemia chest pain and chest discomfort situation is referred to as “Angina”.


Figure 1: Heart disease

Literature Review

Types of heart disease

There are various different types of heart disease which are enlisted as follows:-

• Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)

• Heart arrhythmias.

• Heart failure.

• Heart valve disease.

• Pericardial disease.

• Cardiomyopathy (Heart muscle disease)

• Congenital heart disease.

Coronary arteries mostly effect on the arteries of the heart like left coronary artery and right coronary artery (Figure 2). There are 3 types of Coronary Artery Disease which are enlisted as follows:


Figure 2: Types of heart disease

1. Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease

2. Non-obstructive Coronary Artery Disease

3. Coronary Microvascular Disease (Figure 3).


Figure 3: Above diagram shows various types of Coronary Heart Disease (CAD)

Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease: Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease is the moderate shutting of arteries that offers supply the heart muscles with blood. This blockage is caused by a deposition of plaque (atherosclerosis). It can begin more likely in teenager and adults, moderate increase in some people.

If the blockage gets severe adequate, it can block the flow of oxygenated blood in the heart’s muscle. Sometimes a blockage can occur acutely. This is called a heart attack.

Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease is also called Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). CHD is the leading cause of death in general population. Death of men is possibly higher as compared to the women due to heart attack (Kayaert P, et al., 2021).

Non-obstructive Coronary Artery Disease: Non obstructive Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is induration of the arteries plaque that doesn't kind to hinder blood flow or end in anginous symptoms.

Although such conditions are relatively common, occurring in 10% to 25% of patients undergoing coronary angiography. The presence of CAD is being characterized as “insignificant” in the medical terminology. However, the perception of non-obstructive CAD is also incorrect, as a result of previous studies have noted that the bulk of plaque ruptures and resultant heart muscle infarctions (MIs; heart attacks) arise from non-obstructive plaques (Matta AG, et al., 2021).

Coronary Microvascular Disease (MVD): Coronary microvascular illness (sometimes referred to as tiny artery illness or tiny vessel disease) is heart condition that affects the walls and inner lining of little arteria blood vessels that branch far from the larger coronary arteries.

In coronary Microvascular Disease (MVD), the heart's arteria blood vessels haven't got plaque; however harm to the inner walls of the blood vessels will cause spasms and reduce blood flow to the guts muscle. Additionally, abnormalities in smaller arteries that branch off of the most coronary arteries may additionally contribute to coronary Microvascular Disease (MVD) (Rabbat MG, et al., 2021).


A damaged or injured layer of coronary artery initiates CAD. This may sometimes develop even in childhood. The factors responsible for this damage are as follows:

• Smoking

• High blood pressure

• High cholesterol

• Diabetes/Insulin resistance

• Sedentary lifestyle

In damaged coronary arteries, accumulation of plaque (fatty deposits of cholesterol and other cellular waste products) occurs at injury site (process known as Atherosclerosis). Breakdown or rupture of plaque results in clumping of platelets at the site; and clump blocks the artery, resulting in a heart attack.

Coronary Artery Disease is a multifactorial phenomenon. Etiologic factors is generally categorised into non-modifiable and modifiable factors. Non-modifiable factors embody gender, age, case history, and biology. Modifiable risk factors embody smoking, obesity, lipoid levels, and psychosocial variables. Within the Western world, a quicker-paced style has semiconductor diode folks to eat a lot of fast foods associate in nursing unhealthy meals that has semiconductor diode to a redoubled prevalence of Coronary Heart Diseases. In the US, higher medical care within the middle and better socioeconomic teams has pushed the incidence towards the later a part of life. Smoking remains the quantity one explanation for vas diseases. In 2016, the prevalence of smoking among us among adults was found to be at fifteen 5%.

The male gender is a lot of susceptible than the feminine gender. Hypercholesteremia remains a vital modifiable risk issue for CAD. Redoubled Low-Density Lipoproteins (LDL) redoubled the chance for CAD and elevated High-Density Lipoproteins (HDL) decrease the incidence of CAD. A personality's 10-year risk of arterial sclerosis disorder is calculated victimization the ASCVD equation on the market on-line on the yank Heart Association portal. Markers of inflammation also are sturdy risk factors for arterial blood vessel illness. High sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hsCRP) is assumed to be the most effective predictor of arterial blood vessel illness in some studies though uses for it in an exceedingly sensible setting area unit polemic (Papanikolaou J, et al., 2021).


The underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms for these syndromes begin with the strategy of arteriosclerosis that develops and progresses for several years before the acute event. arteriosclerosis is delineate as an inferior inflammatory state of the membrane (inner lining) of medium-sized arteries that is accelerated by the well-known risk factors like high level, high sterol, smoking, diabetes, and genetics. Inside the case of coronary arteriosclerosis, this slow progression leads to the gradual thickening of the inner layer of the coronary arteries, which may over time slim the lumen of the artery to various degrees. Arteriosclerosis leading to the acute syndromes of Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) and Down Syndrome (DS) options a predilection for the proximal segments of the foremost vital coronary arteries generally at vessel bifurcation points that alter flow inside the artery. This slow pathology of the arteries progression is additionally interrupted by one or additional cycles of speedy progression related to one in each of two processes: Either well plaque disruption with formation of a non-occlusive intraluminal glob or plaque hemorrhage.

Coronary artery malady is sometimes caused by a buildup steroid created deposits or plaques on the liner among the artery. These plaques are remarked as fat plaques or just atheromas that they cause a thickening of the vas wall and a narrowing of the vast area through that blood flows to understand the middle. The quantity of blood reaching and provision the middle muscles (myocardium) with O and nutrients will so be reduced among the presence of atheromas.

A fat usually starts to develop as a result of injury or injury to the inner lining of the artery remarked as a result of the animal tissue. Once the animal tissue is broken, steroid, fats, lipoproteins and numerous muds begin to accumulate at the location of injury among the wall or tissue of the artery.

High concentrations of rarity protein (LDL) penetrate the broken animal tissue and endure an action remarked as chemical action. This altered protein acts as a beacon that pulls white blood cells or leukocytes to migrate towards the vessel wall. As macrophages seem, they engulf the lipoproteins and become foam cells. These foam cells build to the earliest visible reasonably associate fat lesion remarked as a result of the fatty streak.

Once the fatty streak is made, it then attracts the sleek muscle cells to the location, wherever they multiply and begin to supply entity matrix comprising of simple protein and proteoglycan. It's this entity matrix that forms associate outsize portion of the coronary-artery malady plaque. This turns the fatty streak into a fibrous plaque. The lesion then starts to bulge into the inner wall of the vas inflicting a massive narrowing of the downer area. Next, the fibrous plaque starts to support itself. It develops its own tiny vessels to give it with blood throughout a method remarked as growth. Thereafter, the plaques begin to calcify as metal starts to deposit. The ultimate word plaque is created of a cap of plant part covering a core that's created in lipids but as death or dead cells. The sting of this cowl is vital in acute coronary pathological state. This region is liable to rupture, that exposes the underlying core of lipids and death material to thrombogenic factors among the blood. This may cause the aggregation of platelets that kind a clot across the plaque and any slender the artery.

Arteries that became narrowed because of the presence of plaques might finish in angina or pain as a result of the muscles of the middle square measure empty oxygen. As a results of the deposits on the plaques grow in size and dimension, the blood vessels become any narrowed and there might even be obstruction resulting in an attack or a pathology (Montemezzo M, et al., 2020) (Figure 4).


Figure 4: Pathophysiology of Coronary Heart Disease (CAD)

Signs and symptoms

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) doesn't sometimes cause symptoms till it becomes advanced. Delicate symptoms will embrace vertigo, indigestion-like sensations, fatigue, and lack of energy. Additional noticeable symptoms of CAD embrace shortness of breath and pain. This square measure all warning signs of a coronary failure and you must obtain medical attention if you've got any of the signs or symptoms of CAD (Lapp H, et al., 2020).

In general, symptoms of CAD square measure associated with narrowing of the blood vessels of the guts, which might intermittently stop the guts muscle from receiving optimum blood offer. It is important to recollect that, those symptoms don't seem to be common with CAD, they'll occur.

The most common symptoms of CAD are:

Shortness of breath: If you've got too little blood flow within the coronary vessels, you'll feel that you simply cannot catch your breath, cannot get enough air, or cannot breathe. This sensation is commonly represented as symptom. It's additional probably to occur or worsen with workout or emotional stress. Sometimes, shortness of breath might not be thus obvious, and it will cause you to feel as if you are doing not have energy or endurance (Zhang P, et al., 2020).

Chest discomfort: Usually, too little blood flow to your coronary arteries will manifest as indigestion-like chest discomfort. In general, true dyspepsia (not caused by CAD) ought to occur shortly once consumption and will worsen once you square measure during a lying down position.

Dizziness/lightheadedness: You'll expertise intermittent lightheadedness or vertigo if you've got CAD. This is often additional probably to accompany workout, however it will happen at any time.

Lack of energy: A way of diminished energy and frequent or sudden fatigue might occur with CAD. This is often a very regarding warning call if you've got different symptoms of CAD similarly, however it will be the sole symptom (Wu X, et al., 2019).

Angina: Stable angina is outlined by tightness and pressure i.e., most intense on the left facet of the chest or behind the os, and will involve the jaw and left shoulder. With CAD, angina might occur for some minutes and resolve on its own, or might worsen over the course of minutes i.e., that is the sign of a Myocardial Infarction (MI) (heart attack). Many folks United Nations agency have a coronary failure as a complication of CAD recall having had transient episodes of pain over the previous months. Advanced CAD will turn out angina if your muscular tissue briefly doesn't get enough blood flow through the coronary arteries. Stable angina happens during a nearly certain fashion, for example, with workout or throughout times of severe stress, and customarily implies that a plaque has become giant enough to supply a partial obstruction of a arteria (Bauersachs R, et al., 2019).

Atypical symptoms of CAD don't seem to be as wide recognizable. Those who expertise these symptoms may not even mention them to the doctor, even at a frequently regular check-up. This could result in incomprehensible diagnoses, inadequate medical care, and worse outcomes.

Atypical symptoms of CAD include:

Unstable angina: Unstable angina is any new angina, angina that happens at rest, or angina that happens with less workout than antecedently caused the angina (e.g. you'll are ready to walk 5 blocks before developing pain and currently you develop it once walking 2 blocks). If you've got unstable angina, you're at high risk of developing a complete occlusion of the arteria, resulting in a coronary failure (Wang Z, et al., 2019).

Atypical chest pain: The pain of angina is characteristically represented as pressure, or a tight, compression sensation. However it should conjointly manifest as a hot or burning sensation and it will be set within the back, shoulders, arms, or jaw. Women, especially, square measure additional probably to expertise atypical pain as a result of CAD, and, some girls might not have chest discomfort in the slightest degree. Instead, they will expertise tingling or symptom of the left facet of the chest or arm; an inflammatory disease is additionally a possible atypical presentation, particularly in girls (Renko AE, et al., 2019).

Palpitations: A fast or irregular heartbeat might want a thumping or quivering sensation and is commonly amid vertigo or lightheadedness.

Silent heart attacks: Sometimes, heart attacks square measure characterized by distressing pain and shortness of breath (Nabel EG, Braunwald E, 2012) (Figure 5).


Figure 5: Symptoms of Ischemic Heart Disease (ISH)


Following are the resultant complications of CAD are:

Chest pain (angina): The narrow coronary arteries do not supply enough blood to heart (especially, during physical activity), thus causing chest pain or shortness of breath.

Heart attack: Breakdown of plaque triggers formation of a blood clot at the site. This clot completely blocks the artery resulting in a heart attack.

Heart failure: This condition develops when the heart becomes too weak to pump enough blood for fulfilling body’s requirements. This happens when some areas of the heart are chronically deprived of oxygen and nutrients or if the patient has suffered a heart attack in the past.

Abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia): Improper blood supply to the heart or damage to heart tissue can interfere with your heart's electrical impulses, causing abnormal heart rhythms (Larsen TR, et al., 2018).


The doctor can raise questions about your anamnesis, do a physical examination and order routine blood tests. He or she might recommend one or a lot of diagnostic tests in addition, including:

Electrocardiogram (ECG): Associate in nursing cardiogram records electrical signals as they travel through your heart. Associate in nursing graphical record will usually reveal proof of a previous heart failure or one that is ongoing.

Echocardiogram: Associate in nursing sonogram uses sound waves to supply pictures of your heart. Throughout associate in nursing sonogram, your doctor will confirm whether or not all elements of the center wall area unit contributory unremarkably to your heart's pumping activity (Xu Z, et al., 2018).

Parts that move frail might are broken throughout a heart failure or be receiving insufficient Oxygen. this might be a symptom of arteria coronaria unwellness or different conditions.

Exercise assay: If your signs and symptoms occur most frequently throughout exercise, your doctor might raise you to steer on a treadmill or ride a stationary bike throughout associate in nursing graphical record. Sometimes, associate in nursing sonogram is additionally done whereas you are doing these exercises. This is often known as a stress echo. In some cases, medication to stimulate your heart is also used rather than exercise (Wah TY, et al, 2018).

Nuclear assay: This take a look at (is similar/is associate in nursingalogous/ is comparable) to an exercise assay however adds pictures to the graphical record recordings. It measures blood flow to your cardiac muscle at rest and through stress. A tracer is injected into your blood, and special cameras will sight areas in your heart that receive less blood flow.

Cardiac catheterization and X-ray picture: Throughout internal organ catheterization, a doctor gently inserts a tube into Associate in Nursing artery or vein in your groin, neck or arm and up to your heart. X-rays area unit won’t guide the tube to the proper position. Sometimes, dye is injected through the tube. The dye helps blood vessels show up higher on the photographs and descriptions any blockages.

If you have got a blockage that needs treatment, a balloon will be pushed through the tube and inflated to enhance the blood flow in your coronary arteries. A mesh tube (stent) is usually wont to keep the expanded artery open (Lu H, et al., 2018).

Cardiac CT scan: A Computed Tomography (CT) scan of the center will facilitate your doctor see metallic element deposits in your arteries which will slim the arteries. If a considerable quantity of metallic element is discovered, arteria coronaria unwellness is also possible.

A CT coronary X-ray picture, during which you receive a distinction dye that's given by Intravenous (IV) throughout a CT scan, will manufacture elaborate pictures of your heart arteries.

Plan of treatment

Your doctor will select from a variety of medicines, together with statins, niacin, fibrates and steroid sequestrates Aspirin. Your doctor could suggest taking a daily anodyne or alternative blood agent. This could scale back the tendency of your blood to clot, which can facilitate stop obstruction of your coronary arteries.

Various medications are accustomed treat arterial blood vessel illness, including:

Cholesterol-modifying medications: These medications scale back (or modify) the first material that deposits on the coronary arteries. As a result, steroid alcohol levels-particularly beta-lipoprotein (LDL, or the "bad") steroid alcohol-decrease.

Beta blockers: These medications slow your pulse rate and reduce your pressure that decreases your heart's demand for Oxygen. If you've got had an attack, beta blockers scale back the danger of future attacks.

Calcium channel blockers: These medications are also used with beta blockers if beta blockers alone are not effective or rather than beta blockers if you are not ready to take them. These medication will facilitate improve symptoms of pain.

Ranolazine: This medication could facilitate individuals with pain (angina). It’s going to be prescribed with a beta-adrenergic blocking agent or rather than a beta-adrenergic blocking agent if you cannot take it.

Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and Hypertension Receptor Blockers (HRBs): These similar medication decrease pressure and should facilitate stop progression of arterial blood vessel illness.

Sometimes a lot of aggressive treatment is required. Here are unit some options:

Angioplasty and tube placement (percutaneous coronary revascularization): Your doctor inserts a protracted, skinny tube (catheter) into the narrowed a part of your artery. A wire with a deflated balloon is skillful the tubing to the narrowed space. The balloon is then inflated; press the deposits against your artery walls. A tube is usually left within the artery to assist keep the artery open. Most stents slowly unleash medication to assist keep the arteries open.

Coronary artery bypass surgery: A medico creates a graft to bypass blocked coronary arteries employing a vessel from another a part of your body. This enables blood to flow round the blocked or narrowed arterial blood vessel. As a result of this needs heart surgery, its most frequently reserved for those who have multiple narrowed coronary arteries (Stratmann B, et al., 2017; Min X, et al., 2017).


CAD is extremely rife in world. At the arrival of the new millennium, we tend to square measure very unclear concerning the important situation. Alongside the classical risk factors, genetic make-up and environmental factors distinctive to our population could exist. We’ve got no longer to lose. Large-scale, preferably, nation-wide survey and clinical analysis ought to be conducted to determine the various aspects of CAD in world. The information on the market thereby, would facilitate to formulate national policy to combat the deadly epidemic a lot of with efficiency in future. Coronary roentgenography falls in need of the assessment of intermediate lumen lesions. Current tips take into account aphysiologic assessment by Fractional Flow Reserve (FFR) or instant wave-Free Ratio (iFR) the most effective thanks to assess the useful significance of a lumen lesion. Most proof supports FFR, however the studies were solely experimental, and only one used the present zero.80 cut-off. The best approach for (Left Main) LM lesions with an FFR of 0.75 ≤ 0.80 remains somewhat debatable. The IFR is promising since downstream illness is common in patients with lumen illness and FFR is additional difficult to interpret within the setting of serial lesions. The outcome of AN iFR-based revascularization strategy has been shown to be non-inferior to AN FFR-based strategy, but in the setting of a lumen lesion, information area unit restricted to at least one experimental study. Many studies are unit current, just like the ilitro and our own multicenter phynal register (prospective left main physiology registry). However, solely a randomized trial will confirm non-inferiority of an iFR-based revascularization strategy. Once confronted with discordant results of IFR and FFR, following one result over the opposite remains controversial however there aren't any clear indications that following the IFR end in such a case is inferior. Although physiology aids within the higher cognitive process with reference to revascularization, one must keep aware that the natural history of coronary arteriosclerosis lesions is advanced and physiological assessment with FFR or iFR cannot fully predict outcome, whether or not mister is performed or not. Therefore, if one decides to defer a lumen lesion, shut follow up is usually recommended. Given the present proof and guidelines given on top of, we have a tendency to gift our approach once confronted with AN intermediate lumen lesion, while not previous proof of connected ischemia.


Author Info

Rushil Prajapati*, Pooja Patel and Umesh Upadhyay
Department of Pharmacy, Sigma Institute of Pharmacy, Gujarat Technological University, Gujarat, India

Citation: Prajapati R: A Review on Coronary Artery Disease

Received: 07-Feb-2022 Accepted: 22-Feb-2022 Published: 01-Mar-2022, DOI: 10.31858/0975-8453.13.3.163-169

Copyright: This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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