Caballero López Armando
Department of Molecular Immunology, Arnaldo Milián Castro Clinical Surgical University Hospital, Villa Clara, CubaPublications
Short Communication
Author(s): Fernández Jure37008*, Idamis37009, Caballero López Armando37010, Crombet Ramos Tania37011, Hidalgo Mesa Carlos37012 and Bérrio Águila Eduardo37013
Therapeutic Plasmapheresis (PT) is the process of separation and elimination of plasma from the blood and is considered as a complementary treatment strategy for the causative agent in the management of respiratory viral pandemics. This article reviews the possible benefits of therapeutic plasmapheresis as adjunctive treatment in critical cases of patients with COVID-19 in combination with the monoclonal antibody Itolizumab... Read More»
DOI: 10.31858/0975-8453.13.1.52-54