David Seideman
Department of Medical Sciences, International H63D Consortium, Rare Diseases Research Consortium, Kifissias, GreecePublications
Research Article
Author(s): Carolina Diamandis41167*, Jacob S Adams41168, David Seideman41169, Riku Honda41170 and Lucas Smith41171
Patients suffering from H63D syndrome have a significant incidence of narcolepsy with cataplexy as a symptom. Previous studies have shown that the presence of narcolepsy with cataplexy in the context of H63D syndrome is a surrogate marker for structural brain damage. Now, the aim was to clarify which measures best protect affected patients with cataplexy from injury. Our study suggests that every patient with cataplexy and corresponding risk of injury from falls and similar consequences of seizures with more than two high-risk incidences per month should be prescribed a standard wheelchair with restraining elements, which should be used permanently without any exception... Read More»
DOI: 10.31858/0975-8453.13.9.577-580