Edward Kirwa Muge
Department of Biochemistry, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, KenyaPublications
Atomic Resolution Snapshot of Eukaryotic 18S Ribosomal RNA of Neglected Tropical Disease (NTDs) Parasites as a Therapeutic Target
Author(s): Mwangi Harrison Ndung’u30272*, Edward Kirwa Muge30273, Peter Waiganjo Wagacha30274, Albert Ndakala30276 and Francis Jackim Mulaa30277
Most of the tropical neglected diseases casing agents are single celled eukaryotic parasites that affect millions of global populations physiologically, economically and sociologically. These diseases not only affect humans but also affect the animals that sustain life within these populations completely influencing the societal fabric on sustenance. The current therapies are limited to poorly selected drugs that have a poor efficacy and extreme adverse effects. The current quick growth in sequencing and atomic structure determination of the parasites cellular organelles has accelerated the venture to obtain newer intervenes that would serve to bene fit these populations. The rapid in silico determination of the ribosomal structure, specifically the 18S rRNA has revealed the mechanisms by which some therapeutics induces their effect on the process of translation to the parasi.. Read More»