Nwauche KT
Department of Biochemistry, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, NigeriaPublications
Research Article
Author(s): Nkwocha John Nnaemeka74884*, Nwauche KT74885 and Amadi BA74886
This aim of this study was to evaluate the nutritional potential of ethanolic extract of Pachira glabra leaves. The proximate composition, phytochemicals and minerals were analyzed using standard methods. The qualitative and quantitative findings showed the presence of rich bioactive compounds such as saponins 32.82 mg/100 g, alkaloids 15.53 mg/10 g, tannins 22.98 mg/100 g, phytate 10.26 mg/100 g, steroids 22.91 mg/100 g, Phenols 26.01 mg/100 g and flavonoids 56.37 mg/100 g. The proximate composition analysis indicated that carbohydrates were present in the highest concentration 48.73%, while fats were found to be the lowest 1.90%. Among the minerals analyzed, chloride content was the highest 30.36 mg/g, followed by calcium 23.34 mg/g and magnesium 7.42 mg/g. The amount of iron was the least, recorded at 1.06 mg/g. Pachira glabra leaves were found to enhance metaboli.. Read More»
DOI: 10.31858/0975-8453.15.9.287-289