Poonam P Warade
Department of Pharmacy, RC Patel Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Maharashtra, IndiaPublications
Review Article
Author(s): Suraj B Kumbhar40251, Vikram R Shinde40252, Rajesh G Jadhao40253, Poonam P Warade40254, Parag R Patil40255, Sharad Wakode40256, Ankita R Wankhede40257, Swati D Raysing40258 and Dipak D Kumbhar40259*
Solid Lipid Nanoparticles (SLNs) are useful carriers for delivering BCS II and IV drugs. SLNs microstructure is decisive parameter to attain significant drug payload. Its inability to retain hydrophilic molecules demands smart exploitation of SLNs that begins with careful selection of structural components. Besides, other challenges as lipid polymorphism and molecular interactions substantially influence SLNs properties asking for a detailed microstructural investigation. This work attempts to provide a comprehensive yet critical view on SLNs from microstructural perspective. These structural attributes are conclusive while entrusting their functionality. Besides with better understanding of their assembly mechanics it is practicable to devise SLNs of desired properties... Read More»
DOI: 10.31858/0975-8453.13.6.417-429