Samateh Wandifa
Department of Gynaecology, Ministry of Health, Banjul, GambiaPublications
Brief Report
Author(s): Jatta Balla53526*, Jallow Amadou Woury53527, Sambou Sana Malang53528, Adewuyi Peter53529, Fofana Baba Kunta53530, Nguka Patrick53531, Umeokonkwo Chukwuma David53532, Samateh Wandifa53533, Sanneh Kebba D53534 and Bittaye Mustapha53535
Background: Tuberculosis remains a serious public health problem in the Gambia, 6th top cause of DALYs (Disability-Adjusted Life Year). Treatment outcome serves as a tool to control the quality of tuberculosis treatment provided by the health care system. The global epidemiology of tuberculosis has been shaped in recent decades by HIV/AIDS, urbanization and poverty. The majority of survey detected TB cases (95%) were new and not on treatment at diagnosis (Gambia Health Policy 2021-2030). Methods: The study is a retrospective cross-sectional secondary data review aimed at analyzing existing programmatic tuberculosis data extracted from the DHIS2. Results: A total of 4109 TB cases (Extrapulmonary and Pulmonary) were recorded in DHIS2 for the period 2017 to 2021, of whi.. Read More»
DOI: 10.31858/0975-8453.14.2.122-124