Shefali Shekhar Patil

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Mumbai, Maharashtra, India


  • Review Article   

    Author(s): Reshma Tendulkar47778* and Shefali Shekhar Patil47779

    Ozone therapy is an ozone-based alternative medical therapy that involves injecting ozone into the body. Its effects are well-established, repeatable, and safe, with few and easily avoidable negative effects. However, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned all medicinal applications of ozone in 2003, noting that “ozone is a hazardous gas with no recognised effective medical application”. Every therapy has benefits and drawbacks, but in order for a therapy to succeed in the market, benefits must always exceed drawbacks. In recent years, ozone has been criticised and emphasised in connection to therapeutic effectiveness and toxicity. Its usage has become more popular in recent years, it has been emphasised for its potential therapeutic advantages when taken according to well-defined and safe procedures. Ozone therapy is becoming more popular in various parts of the.. Read More»
    DOI: 10.31858/0975-8453.13.11.815-818

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