Zhiping Ma

Department of Chemistry and Supercomputing Institute, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA


  • Review Article   

    Author(s): Xinli Lin43003*, Wei Zhu43004, Yingjie Wang43006, Yu Cai43007, Xinyu Dong43008, Dongying Yang43009, Fangmei Tan43010, Zhiping Ma43011, Lanfen Li43012 and Jiali Gao43013

    Heart disease is the leading cause of death globally, and keeping hemostatic balance is essential for a healthy cardiovascular system. Disturbing the balance can cause major diseases, such as ischemic stroke, myocardial infarction, and SARS-CoV-2 caused systemic blood clotting. In vivo in the pathological thrombi are dissolved by the enzyme Plasmin (Plm), a serine protease derived from the proenzyme Plasminogen (Plg). Although the biological regulation of the Plg system has been intensively studied, the vast potential pharmaceutical applications of the Plm enzyme-based therapeutics are far from realized. This review focuses on the underemphasized direction of the therapeutic development of Plg, Plm, and μ Plasmin (μ Plm), the catalytic domain of Plasmin. The major diseases can be treated with Plm-based thrombolytic therapeutics includ.. Read More»

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